sunnuntai 31. toukokuuta 2009
lauantai 30. toukokuuta 2009
Kirsikoita ja muuta mielta kiehtovaa
I got a letter with some wonderful crafts from knitsea. I will decorate my graffiti(s) with them, and put it/them somewhere here.
In this picture ther is also the tv-promgram. On the cover you can see Elisa, the beutiful girl from Prova del cuoco. The program is on, last time before summer break. I think it is good that this program will leave some more time for me to make sewing...
Bougainvilles are starting their blossom. Have a nice weekend.
perjantai 29. toukokuuta 2009
Labyrintti jos toinenkin
In teh garden there are many beautiful fountains, not working now. This symbol of womanhood is one of them.
This fountain is dedicated to Bacchus, the God of wine. The colours are symbol of all red wines. This evening I am going to aperitivo at Johnny's. I have earned it. I have been to tha car mechanic, a man has been here because my fridge feels like a refregator, and this my computer was fighting against all kind of viruses. So, I have earned a glass of prosecco, or two, haven't I
torstai 28. toukokuuta 2009
Haasteesta haaveisiin
keskiviikko 27. toukokuuta 2009
Kielen opiskelua ja ystavien kanssa viestintaa
Today's roses are for my wonderful Italian language teacher, TV, and for all the blog friends all over the world.
tiistai 26. toukokuuta 2009
Ruusujen elamankaari
maanantai 25. toukokuuta 2009
Punainen sunnuntai
There are about 4500 different kind of roses, from all over the world. This week is dedicated to roses and first I will send this beauty to Kimi. Auguri. The third place is only one step from the highest plase on the podium.
Ja tassa ihan itse tehty antiikin mallinen ruusu Ferrarille. Forza. Alkuperaisessa ruusussa oli viisi teralehtea. Nama neulegraffitit matkaavat naina paivina Suomeen jatkojalostukseen.
And here are some knit graffities to the whole Ferrari by ancient model. These graffities will be send to Finland for futher graffiting.
knit graffitit,
La Tacita,
sunnuntai 24. toukokuuta 2009
Pyhan miehet
These kind of men can be found by the Tevere. They are well-equipped ffrom rods to chairs. The licences are found in the village bar. Any catch? No, but that is not the point of this hobby. Just be there and enjoy.
perjantai 22. toukokuuta 2009
Sita sattuu
torstai 21. toukokuuta 2009
Helatorstain aarteita
The most important treasures from Finland here are made by my father. This akvarell reminds me about his great love for nature. He started to paint after he was retired. He died in 2007 at 85. This picture allows just a faint idea of the painting, and I haven't found any good frames for it.
keskiviikko 20. toukokuuta 2009
Muumia aamusta iltaan
Little Myy is also on my morning coffee mug. Sudoku belongs to my day. And the carpets are hanging, because I have cleaned the floors. People here wipe the floors every morning.
Muumin has found a tree to lean against. (This postcard I found at Helsinki-Vantaa airport.) In Ikea I found this tree-sea-picture. Cheap, but I like to see it in the evening, when I lay down to sleep.
tiistai 19. toukokuuta 2009
Marimekkoa vuoristomajalla
She allowed me to choose one of the advertising bags...
... kun han naki, millaisen kassin olin tehnyt Maija Isolan Tantsu-kankaasta. Kiitos Milla and Marimekko
... when she saw the bag I have made from Maija Isola's Tantsu cloth. Thank you Milla and Marimekko.
Sohvan pehmovaltiatar lepuuttaa jalkojaan Isolan pikkukivilla.
The queen of the sofa keeps her feet on Isola's Small stones.
Maija Louekarin Kaiku-kangas piilottaa takkapuita, siivousvalineita - ja viinipulloja. Siis monitavarapiilokomeroverho.
Nama purkit tulivat mukana viime kerralla. Sisalla ruisrouhetta (siemenleipataikina a la Seija on nousemassa) ja mannaryyneja. Purkkien suunnittelijaa ei ole purkissa. Taytyy etsia netista.
Behind Maija Louekari's cloth there are wood for fireplace, cleaning stuff, - and wine bottles. So the cloth is a kind of manythingshidingcurtain.
I brought these jars with me last time. There were some stuff for my kitchen inside them. There is no designer's name on the jars. I have to check by net.
Tassa pilkullisessa pussukassa (nimeton) sailytan tarkean kapineen tarkeita osasia, siis VIPVIP. Kameran pattereita. Kameraa kulkee mukana tuossa pellavapussukassa (ei Marimekon).
In the bag (no designer's name) with white dots I keep the batteries for my camera. The camera's place is in the linen small bag, not Marimekko's.
maanantai 18. toukokuuta 2009
Maanantaiaamu Monday morning
Viereinen ovi on vanhusten keskus. Kiinni aamulla.
And see, half of the door was open. And can you imagine: no customers inside. Usually I have to wait about half an hour.
The next door is for old people, shut in the morning.
And then to have a cappuccino at the bar-pizzeria by the piazza. When having the coffee, I could smell the newly bakes bread. NUUHH!
Sitten kotiin. Piazza on talla hetkella kuin lahteva laiva: toripaiva ja kappelin restaurointi. Olisikohan makuuhuoneen ikkuna pitanyt sulkea ennen ulos lahtea? (Tuo oikealla oleva keltaisen palazzon ylimman kerroksen oikeanpuoleisin ikkuna). Vilkutan sielta teille. Ciao!
Then home. Piazza is a kind of mess right at the moment: the Monday market and the restauration of the chappel. (I didn't close the bedroom window. Should I have have done it?) I wave there to you now. Ciao!
lauantai 16. toukokuuta 2009
Antipasti e aperitivo
Or some frutti di mare.
In the evening I can have an aperitivo in another village near by.
Johnnyn viini- ja oliivioljykanttiinissa. Han on myos erinomainen kuvanveistaja.
Carlo ja Johnny harjoittelevat konsertteja varten ja viihdyttavat samalla asiakkaita. Onkohan jotain, mita Johnny ei osaa?
Johnny on kirjoittanut vaimonsa kanssa pienen mielenkiintoisen kirjasen The uses of olive oil (Miten kayttaa oliivioljya).
At Johnny's. He has excellent wines and olive oils. And he is an artist, too.
He has written a small, interesting booklet The uses of olive oil.
Johnny and Carlo are practising for the conserts, and for the pleasure of the customers. Some three weeks ago Johnny was is Estonia with his choir. Is there something he can't do?
torstai 14. toukokuuta 2009
Kokeillaanpas tata
Eika maisemissa ole tosiaankaan moittimista. Tuolla alaviistossa on lisaksi kylan harjoitusjalkapallokentta, jossa talla hetkella pikkunassikat leikkivat mestaripelaajia. Isat ja papat roikkuvat parkkipaikan kaiteella huutelemassa ohjeitaan. Aidit varmaan ovat laittamassa illallista, cenaa.
Kohta alkaa taas italian kielen opiskelu. Opettajana on aina niin karsivallinen telkkari. Suomessa minulla ei telkkaria moneen vuoteen ole ollutkaan. Meni rikki, enka uutta hankkinut lupakovistulujen kiusallakaan. On se vaan kumma, ettei uskota sita, ettei televisiota ole. Tarkastajakin kavi toteamassa, etta ei ole telkkaria, ei. Lisaksi sanoi, etta hankin hylkaisi koko toosan, mutta kun lapset eivat anna. Hohhoijaa! Ja nyt sitten suunnittelevat Suomessa pakollista maksua, tosin toisella nimella. PAH! Televisiota en osta! Taalla se on eri asia. Minulla on pari, kolme ohjelmaryhmaa, joita telkkarista seuraan. Toinen on kaikenlaiset kokkiohjelmat. Sanasto karttuu kummasti ja samalla myos kokkailutaito. (Tanaan tein lounaaksi pastalla taytettyja munakoisoja!)Lisaksi italialaisten kanssa voi aina puhua ruoasta. Asiantuntijoita. Kukin omalla mielipiteellaan. Niista voi sitten valita itselleen sopivan ohjeen. Toinen ohjelmaryhmä on kaikenlaistet kilpailut. Tarpeeksi simppelisanastoisia. Kolmas ryhma on salapoliisisarjat. Mieluisin on ollut Montalbano. Toivottavasti tulee pian uusintoja. On Colombo, Poirot jne.
This is my new internet corner! The old one was so slow, that I lose my nerves, almost. Isn't this place beautiful. And at the same time I can see, how the small kids are playing football down there. The fathers and grandfathers are giving there advice by the gates. Mothers are at home making the dinne, la cena.
Soon it is time for me to learn more Italian. I have a very patient teacher: The TV. In Finland I don't have one. It was broken, and I didn't want to buy a new one. Here there are three kind of programs I follow: The cooking, the competitions, and the detective stories. Especially the cooking programs are interesting. I learn the everyday vocabulary and at the same time I learn how to make good Italian food, at my style.
keskiviikko 13. toukokuuta 2009
Kansainvalinen puutarha
This plant I brought from my sister's garden in Keuruu last year. It has grown so much, that I had to divide it in two pots!
Naiden freesioiden mukulat sain toissa vuonna Maltan ystavilta. Ne viihtyvat hyvin salvian seurassa. Salviaa taytyy laittaa aina ruokaan, missa on lihaa!
These flowers are originally from Malta. They like to grow with the sage and the sage likes all kind of meet.
Basilika on must-mauste tomaattien kaverina! Ostin kaupasta taimipurkin ja laitoin sen isompaan ruukkuun. Kaupasta saan kylla mausteita kaupan paalle (vahan porkkanaa, selleria, basilikaa ja persiljaa), jos pyydan. Mutta oma puutarha on oma puutarha.
Basil is a must-herb with tomatoes.
Salvia-freesia ruukun toisella laidalla on viime kesaiset rosmariini ja timjami. Timjami alkoi kukkia! Rosmariinia ja timjamia uunissa hautuvien perunalohkojen paalle. Nam!!! Ruukussa on myos luonnosta tuotuja villisyklaamia (nakyvissa kaksi pineta kukkaa) ja villikehakukkaa (ei nay tassa). Lisaksi orvokin ja matalan kehakukan taimia. Siemenet tippuneet multaan viime kesan kasveista.
There are rosemary and thyme, too. They are delicious on the potatoes abked in oven! There are some more plants in this pot, some from the wild nature and some from last summer's flowers.
Mutta kukas naille puhuu aamuisin heinakuun 13. paivan jalkeen, jolloin lennan Suomeen marja- ja sienihulluus silmissa? Kukas teista tulee asumaan tanne siksi aikaa ja nauttimaan parvekkeen sadosta.
But who will talk to these plants, when I am in Finland picking berries and mushrooms? Who of you would like to live here 13.07.-30.09.?
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